Saturday, March 15, 2008

Autodisconnect doesn't work or settings change

If the settings change.... Q230142 Internet Explorer Auto Disconnect Feature Set to 5 Minutes After Using Netscape Communicator;EN-US;Q230142

If auto disconnect doesn't work ....

Go to the advanced options of your dial up settings - IE tools/internet options/connections/dial up settings/advanced dial up settings and turn on the option to disconnect if connection no longer required.

Also see these links: Not Prompted to Disconnect After Closing Internet Explorer

Then, if no joy shut down Internet Explorer and follow these instructions:Start Regedit and got to the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\RemoteAccess\Profile\Now look at the following DWORDS:EnableExitDisconnectEnableAutodisconnectIf either one has the data of 00 00 00 00, right click the value and select Modify.Change the data to 01 00 00 00.Also check this registry key.HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet SettingsLook at the DWORD: EnableAutodisconnect

If this value has the data of 00 00 00 00, change it to 01 00 00 00Remember to reboot the computer.

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